The Association of danish IT Attorneys

The Association of Danish IT Attorneys (Danske IT-advokater) is an association of attorneys providing advice on information technology issues.

The association is aimed at advisers dealing with information technology in a broad sense, including among others, advisers dealing with telecommunication, IT purchase agreements and IT service agreements, the protection of personal data, domain names as well as marketing and sale on the Internet.

The object of the association is to strenghten the competence of the legal profession in relation to advice on IT matters and to market the legal profession as advisers to be used in connection with the conclusion of IT contracts and other IT law matters. It is also the object of the association to act as spokesbody for the legal profession in the social debate on the issue of IT development in Denmark.

The members of the Association of Danish IT Attorneys are attorneys dealing with advice on IT law matters and at present, the Association has around 57 members.
